
Welcome to the 

Seaford Museum

Narrated by Jim Blackwell

Push the play button (►) below each photo to hear a brief narrative.

Numbers in parenthesis refer to tags in displays.


(2) Jack Lewis Murals


(4) Wright Robinson


(6) Petrified Wood


(8) Nanticoke Indians


(10) Mason-Dixon Marker


(12) Revolution & War of 1812


(14) Fabric


(16) Slavery


(18) Patty Cannon


(20) Donald Booth Wildlife Carvings


(22) Seaford-Blades Bridge


(24) Harriet Tubman


(26) The Edwin & Maude


(28) Local Crops


Turn around, then walk to the left of the Harriet Tubman exhibit to get to the next two stops.


(30) The Civil War


(32) Governor Ross


Go back to the Harriet Tubman exhibit and turn right.


(34) River Pilots


(36) Churches


Go through the door on the right.


(38) Nanticoke Maritime Gallery


(40) Burton Brothers Hardware


(42) The Theater District


(44) Seaford’s Meteor


(46) World War I


(48) The Railroad


(50) The Poultry Industry


(52) Du Pont Nylon


(54) World War II


(56) Dairies in Seaford


(58) Doctors and Drug Stores


(60) Seaford Police Department


(62) Dove’s Barber Shop


(64) Seaford Volunteer Fire Department


(66) Women in the Workplace


(68) Tina Fallon in the Legislature


(70) Dave Webb Exhibit Room


(72) Postal Inspector


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Gov. Ross Mansion

    Saturdays and Sundays 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

    Last tour begins at 3:30

    Private tours available by appointment

         Phone: 302-628-9500


         Follow this link for GROUP TOUR information.

    Mansion Grounds are open dawn to dusk.

Seaford Museum

    Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

     Private tours available by appointment.

         Call 302-628-9828


         Follow this link for GROUP TOUR information.

Historical Society Office Hours

     Tuesday – Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

     Call 302-628-9828
